Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Motorbiking in Cusco

Went motorbiking for the first time ever - the fact that you can just rent a motorbike here without having a licence or any experience at all is funny but scary at the same time! We went into one of the agencies when we checked out prices and told the lady that we´ve never been riding a motorbike before, her answer was: "oh! no problem! You´ll be alright!" Great! So you can basically just get out there and kill yourself...

We went to a dirtfield and practised for about an hour before we went out on the raod. It was so confusing at first... gas, clutch, 2 different brakes, the 6 different gears... you have to think about so many things at the same time! But my biggest problem was the fact that my legs were too short to reach the ground! :( I fell over twice when I tried to stop (motorbike on top of me)... not so much fun!

Anyway, after a while we felt pretty confident and drove around the Cusco area for 3 hours. It was really pretty! ... and FAST!!! 115 kms/h was my maximum... pretty fast for a bloddy beginner.
I´m thinking about getting my licence when I´ll get back to Germany cause I wanna be able to go out there and ride a bike without constantly being worried about killing myself or someone else!

No much news apart from that. Cusco is a nice city but REALLY touristy - it´s commonly called ´Gringotown´! It´s a good idea to get a shirt saying ´No Gracias! No necesito algo!´before coming here cause you´ll get offered all sorts of stuff EVERYWHERE you go! It gets quite annoying after a while.

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