Sunday, October 08, 2006

Ingapirca & first camping-experience in Ecuador

We went to Cañar by bus this weekend and from there to Ingapirca, some old Inca-ruins. It was really interesting to see how the people used to live and how modern and progressive some of the things they did were.

I was also trying to chase some Lama´s that afternoon which didn´t work out that well. Everytime I got close to them they took off... too bad.

Afterwards explored the surrounding area searching for a spot to camp. We found a really nice place but had to cross a river to get there. I slipped on a wet rock and me including my backpack with all my clothes, tent, sleepingbag went for a little swim... SPLASH!
No big drama, it wasn´t that cold at night and the important things like my sleepingbag didn´t get completely soaked. Lucky me. We were more worried about the fact that we didn´t know if we camped in the complete wilderness or on someone´s property. The next morning after we woke up and packed our stuff we realized it was the land of some ecuadorian farmer who tried to get us off his land by sending his dog who was barking like crazy after us!

Taking a cab home from the bus terminal in Cuenca was really irritating since we know now that the ride costs 2$ and not 5$ (it´s what they charged us when we first got here)... They rip you off so easily and even if you tell them that this is not your first time in Cuenca and that you know how far it is and how much it costs, they´ll come up with these ridiculous prices! Argh!!!

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